Tuesday, September 15, 2020

wiki people readers

This little pop-art represents an experiment which I will explain. It is here.

At this site you will find esl/efl exercises. At one time I was really good at making them, but now I admit to being a little rusty. I am trying to get my chops back by working on these.

The genius of the project, from an esl point of view, is that you can read about the people you are interested in, or the people whose names you recognize. If this project is successful it will have hundreds. People's names will make up a nice huge list in the template, and you can just work your way down getting the ones you like. I may categorize them as high, intermediate and low, or short, medium and long, depending on how hard they are or how much English they have in them. I plan to provide the answers as well. It's kind of a long-range project.

After thirty years in ESL I can say this much: I can get this skill back easily, but, having burnt out a little (in esl one works very hard for a very long time, for very little pay), I find myself giving up easily as well. In other words, I am enjoying retirement.

I am experimenting with ways to develop a market for books. My books are on the esl/efl side: they are readable americana. I am hoping that these exercises will also be readable, practical, and interesting, in that interesting people will be in there. I hope you enjoy them.

OK so I admit, this site has gone a little stale over the years. Back when I was active in ESL, ESL had no job-seeking links, no TESOL direc...